You are here: Idealpos Online > Idealpos Online Settings > Pos Terminals tab

Pos Terminals tab

The Pos Terminals tab shows Pos Terminals and their current connection status. The version and build of Idealpos as well as the Machine Signature are also displayed on this tab.

When a Pos Terminal's status is listed as 'Online', you will see three buttons next to the terminal (Stop/Start, Re-Sync and Resend Sales).

Each of these buttons allows you to send requests to the service running on the Pos Terminal.

Each of these requests are outlined below.


- Stop the service/Start the Service. The button will change depending on the current status. To stop the service, press the stop icon. To start the service, press the start icon.

- Re-sync the Pos Terminal data with Idealpos Online. Pressing this button will re-sync the Pos Terminal data with the data that is stored in the Idealpos Online database.

- Re-send sales from the Pos Terminal for a period. Pressing this button will display a window that will allow you to specify a date range for which you want to re-send sales.